

Introducing Geniora to the World at the London BETT Education Exhibition

Jun 18, 2020


In early 2020, exactly 22 to 25 January, the British Educational Training and Technology Show or abbreviated as BETT held an exhibition at London ExCeL. The BETT Show is a series of global educational events organized by the Hyve Group to market information technology in education. This event is a golden opportunity to learn the latest trends in the education technology business.

Together with more than 800 well-known companies and 103 start-ups from various parts of the world, Geniora represents Indonesia by carrying the Geniora Phone. Educational technology in the form of the first smartphone for children in Indonesia, even Asia, with the parental interaction in it. This product attracts the attention of more than 34,000 BETT visitors from 146 countries, because of its features that are in line with Eastern culture, where parents can protect children from close to revolutionary technology. Some countries, including India, Ghana, Malaysia, and Singapore, have even pre-ordered this Geniora Phone.

 Geniora cares about the importance of the role of the family as the first institution that gives children their first education about values and norms. Therefore, Geniora presents educational technology to facilitate families in educating and preparing children in the technological and digital era. Geniora Phone uses an educational system model that can make it easier for parents to educate children so they can use smartphones responsibly. Some Geniora Phone features that have successfully captured the attention of visitors include the ‘Please Listen’ feature, ‘Mode of use’, and ‘Scheduler’ which allow parents to use their smartphone to interact directly with Geniora Phone used by children.

Smartphone technology that prioritizes children’s education is also already equipped with the Geniora456 application, an application that can help children learn more fun. In this application there are interesting educational videos with explanations that are easy to understand, as well as e-books that contain complete information about school subjects that are packaged attractively so that children do not feel bored. Geniora456 can also help parents to test and measure the ability and learning process of children with quiz features and semester report cards.


More information about Geniora and its products can be found on the website and Geniora social media on Instagram @geniora_id; @genioraphone and Youtube ‘Geniora’.


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